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Ostuni is one of the most stunning cities in southern Italy famous for the dazzling effect of its whitewashed houses. It is a genuine and charming example of Mediterranean architecture.
The city of Ostuni is a series of levels, staircases, small roads, alleys, arches. Hints of the Middle Ages are at hand in every corner, in every view to the sea, in the portal of a palace, in the walls of a convent or the front of a church. The brightness of its whitewashed houses, set against the pink-tinged brown of its principal monument, makes the town stand out in the green of the surrounding area.
Is this happy combination of the natural and the manmade that has made Ostuni one of the most attractive cities in the region and an essential part of any tour of Italy.

A walking tour inside the enchanting narrow streets of Ostuni is essential to anyone interested in appreciating the full beauty of the city. This walk will allow you to see some of the best portals, a few small churches, some enchanting views, staircases and the two remaining gates of the city.

The Cathedral

It was built between 1469 and 1495 in late Gothic style and was declared a national monument in 1902 by decree of the king of Italy Vittorio Emanuele III. Its construction was sponsored by Ferdinand of Aragon and Alfonso II, kings of the Kingdom of Naples.

The façade is enriched by a magnificent rose window which symbolizes the Cristo Sole. It is composed of three concentric circles, with 24 finely crafted beams, 12 concentric arches embellished with floral motifs and figures of the twelve apostles. At the centre, surrounded by seven cherubs, is the figure of the Cristo Sole, master of the universe.


Defensive walls

The historic events that brought about the construction of the defensive walls date back to the Messapians, the Byzantines, the Normans, the Angevines, and the Aragonese.

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